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Privatdozent Dr. med. Andreas Draube

Facharzt für Innere Medizin

  • Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie


  • Innere Medizin und Hämatologie und Onkologie (ambulant), 18 Monate (gemeinsame Befugnis)



geboren 1966 in Gummersbach

Ausbildung und Qualifikationen

1987 – 1994 Studium der Humanmedizin an der Universität zu Köln
1997 Promotion zum Doktor der Medizin
2002 Facharzt für Innere Medizin
2005 Anerkennung des Schwerpunktes Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie
2012 Habilitation (Lehrbefugnis für das Fach Innere Medizin an der Universität zu Köln)
2014 Weiterbildungsbefugnis Innere Medizin, Hämatologie und Onkologie

Beruflicher Werdegang

1994 – 1997 Klinik I für Innere Medizin der Universität zu Köln (Prof. Dr. V. Diehl): Arzt im Praktikum.
1996 – 1997 Labor für Knochenmarktransplantation, Klinik I für Innere Medizin
1996 – 2002 Facharztausbildung im Zentrum Innere Medizin des Klinikums der Universität zu Köln: Hämatologie, internistische Onkologie, Infektiologie, Rheumatologie, Immunologie, Hämostaseologie (Prof. Dr. Diehl - Prof. Dr. Hallek), Kardiologie, Pulmonologie (Prof. Dr. Erdmann), Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie (Prof. Dr. Goeser), Nephrologie (Prof. Dr. Baldamus), Intensivmedizin (Prof. Dr. Diehl - Prof. Dr. Hallek - Prof. Dr. Erdmann)
2002 – 2012 Klinik I für Innere Medizin der Uniklinik Köln (Prof. Dr. M. Hallek)
2002 - 2012 Hauptbefunder im Labor für hämatologische Diagnostik
Seit 02/2013 Chefarzt Innere Medizin IV (Hämatologie und Onkologie) des St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln
Seit 07/2013 Praxis Internistischer Onkologie und Hämatologie (pioh), Köln-Nord


  • Evaluation und Weiterentwicklung immuntherapeutischer Ansätze.
  • Beteiligung an klinischen Studien zur Behandlung von malignen Lymphomen und soliden Tumoren.


  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie
  • Berufsverband der Niedergelassenen Hämatologen und Onkologen Deutschland (BNHO)
  • Berufsverband der niedergelassenen Hämatologen und Onkologen Nordrhein (NIONo)

Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen

1. Originalarbeiten

  • Michels S, Scheel AH, Scheffler M, Schultheis AM, Gautschi O, Aebersold F, Diebold J, Pall G, Rothschild S, Bubendorf L, Hartmann W, Heukamp L, Schildhaus HU, Fassunke J, Ihle MA, Künstlinger H, Heydt C, Fischer R, Nogovà L, Mattonet C, Hein R, Adams A, Gerigk U, Schulte W, Lüders H, Grohé C, Graeven U, Müller-Naendrup C, Draube A, Kambartel KO, Krüger S, Schulze-Olden S, Serke M, Engel-Riedel W, Kaminsky B, Randerath W, Merkelbach-Bruse S, Büttner R, Wolf J. Clinicopathological Characteristics of RET Rearranged Lung Cancer in European Patients. .J Thorac Oncol. 2016; 11(1):122-7

    Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Zoghi S, Liebig TM, Wennhold K, Chemitz J, Draube A, Kochanek M, Blaschke F, Pallasch C, Holtick U, Scheid C, Theurich S, Hallek M, von Bergwelt-Baildon MS. Inhibition of protein geranylgeranylation specifically interferes with CD40-dependent B cell activation, resulting in a reduced capacity to induce T cell immunity. J Immunol. 2014; 193(10):5294-305

  • Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Draube A (shared first authorship), Liebig T, Popov A, Rothe A, Von Bergwelt-Baildon M. The properties of human CD40-activated B cells as antigen-presenting cells are not affected by PGE2. Oncology Reports. 2013; 29 (3):1061-5
  • Garcia-Marquez MA, Wennhold K, Draube A, von Bergwelt-Baildon M. Results of a Phase II clinical trial with Id-protein-loaded dendritic cell vaccine in multiple myeloma: encouraging or discouraging? J Immunotherapy. 2012, 4(10):991-4.
  • Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Draube A (shared first authorship), Liebig TM, Rothe A, Kochanek M, von Bergwelt-Baildon MS. The immunosuppressive factors IL-10, TGF-beta, and VEGF do not affect the antigen-presenting function of CD40-activated B cells. J Exp Clin Cancr Res. 2012; 31:47
  • Draube A, Klein-González N, von Bergwelt-Baildon M. Proving the principle: dendritic cell-based vaccines in urogenital cancers. Expert Rev Vaccines. 2011;10 (10):1355-7
  • Draube A, Klein-González N, Mattheus S, Brillant C, Hellmich M, Engert A, von Bergwelt-Baildon M. Dendritic cell based tumor vaccination in prostate and renal cell cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One, 2011; 6(4): e18801
  • Zander T, Scheffler M, Nogova L, Kobe C, Engel-Riedel W, Hellmich M, Papachristou I, Toepelt K, Draube A, Heukamp L, Buettner R, Ko YD, Ullrich RT, Smit E, Boellaard R, Lammertsma AA, Hallek M, Jacobs AH, Schlesinger A, Schulte K, Querings S, Stoelben E, Neumaier B, Thomas RK, Dietlein M, Wolf J. Early prediction of nonprogression in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer treated with erlotinib by using [(18)F]fluorodeoxyglucose and [(18)F]fluorothymidine positron emission tomography. J Clin Oncol. 2011; 29(13):1701-8
  • Kondo E, Maecker B, Draube A, Klein-Gonzalez N, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Schultze JL, von Bergwelt-Baildon MS. The shared tumor associated antigen cyclin-A2 is recognized by high-avidity T-cells. Int J Cancer. 2009; 125 (10):2474-8
  • Kondo E, Gryschok L, Klein-Gonzalez N, Rademacher S, Weihrauch MR, Liebig T, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Kochanek M, Draube A, von Bergwelt-Baildon MS (shared last authorship). CD40-activated B cells can be generated in high number and purity in cancer patients: analysis of immunogenicity and homing potential. Clin Exp Immunol. 2009; 155(2):249-56
  • Draube A, Beyer M, Wolf J. Activation of autologous leukemia-specific T cells in acute myeloid leukemia: monocyte-derived dendritic cells cocultured with leukemic blasts compared with leukemia-derived dendritic cells. Eur J Haematol. 2008; 81(4):281-8
  • Draube A, Beyer M, Schumer S, Thomas RK, von Tresckow B, Koslowsky TC, Krieglstein CF, Schultze JL, Wolf J. Efficient activation of autologous tumor-specific T cells: a simple coculture technique of autologous dendritic cells compared to established cell fusion strategies in primary human colorectal carcinoma. J. Immunother. 2007; 30(4):359-69
  • Von Strandmann EP, Hansen HP, Reiner KS, Schnell R, Borchmann P, Merkert S, Simhadri VR, Draube A, Reiser M, Purr I, Hallek M, Engert A. A novel bispecific protein (ULBP2-BB4) targeting the NKG2D receptor on natural killer (NK) cells and CD138 activates NK cells and has potent antitumor activity against human multiple myeloma in vitro and in vivo. Blood. 2006;107(5):1955-62
  • Von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Popov A, Klein-Gonzalez N, Fiore F, Vebey S, Draube A, Maecker B, Menezes I, Nadler LM, Schultze JL. CD40-activated B cells express full lymph node homing triad and induce T-cell chemotaxis: potential as cellular adjuvants. Blood. 2006; 107(7):2786-9
  • Weihrauch MR, Skibowski E, Draube A, Geller A, Tesch H, Diehl V, Bohlen H. Immunomagnetic enrichment and detection of isolated tumor cells in bone marrow of patients with epithelial malignancies. Clin Exp Metastas. 2002;19(7):617-21
  • Thomas RK, Kallenborn A, Wickenhauser C, Schultze JL, Draube A, Vockerodt M, Re D, Diehl V, Wolf J. Constitutive expression of c-FLIP in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells. Am J Pathol. 2002;160(4):1521-8
  • Re D, Benenson E, Beyer M, Gresch O, Draube A, Diehl V, Wolf J. Cell fusion is not involved in the generation of giant cells in the Hodgkin-Reed Sternberg cell line L1236. Am J Hematol. 2001; 67(1):6-9
  • Draube A, Pfister R, Vockerodt M, Schuster S, Kube D, Diehl V, Tesch H. Immunomagnetic enrichment of CD138 positive cells from weakly infiltrated myeloma patients samples enables the determination of the tumor clone specific IgH rearrangement. Ann Hematol. 2001; 80(2):83-9
  • Scheid C, Reiser M, Draube A, Josting A, Fuchs M, Chemnitz J, Winter S, Schultz A, Engert A, Diehl V, Sohngen D. Mobilization with etoposide and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor can replace bone marrow harvesting in patients with malignant lymphoma who previously failed to mobilize sufficient stem cells with cyclophosphamide and G-CSF. J Hematother Stem Cell Res. 2000; 9(4):411-3
  • Reiser M, Draube A, Scheid C, Fuchs M, Josting A, Diehl V, Sohngen D. High platelet contamination in progenitor cell concentrates results in significantly lower CD34+ yield after immunoselection. Transfusion. 2000; 40(2):178-81
  • Mucke S, Draube A, Polack A, Pawlita M, Massoudi N, Staratschek-Jox A, Bohlen H, Bornkamm G, Diehl V, Wolf J. Suppression of the tumorigenic growth of Burkitt's lymphoma cells in immunodeficient mice by cytokine gene transfer using EBV-derived episomal expression vectors. Int J Cancer. 2000; 86(3):301-6
  • Josting A, Reiser M, Wickramanayake PD, Rueffer U, Draube A, Sohngen D, Tesch H, Wolf J, Diehl V, Engert A. Dexamethasone, carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine, and melphalan (dexa-BEAM) followed by high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell rescue--a highly effective regimen for patients with refractory or relapsed indolent lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2000; 37(1-2):115-23
  • Josting A, Reiser M, Wickramanayake PD, Rueffer U, Draube A, Sohngen D, Tesch H, Wolf J, Diehl V, Engert A. Dexa-BEAM: an effective regimen for cytoreduction prior to high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support for patients with relapsed/refractory mantle-cell lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2000; 37(1-2):185-7
  • Scheid C, Draube A, Reiser M, Schulz A, Chemnitz J, Nelles S, Fuchs M, Winter S, Wickramanayake PD, Diehl V, Sohngen D. Using at least 5x10(6)/kg CD34+ cells for autologous stem cell transplantation significantly reduces febrile complications and use of antibiotics after transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1999; 23(11):1177-81
  • Reiser M, Josting A, Draube A, Mapara MY, Scheid C, Chemnitz J, Tesch H, Wolf J, Diehl V, Sohngen D, Engert A. Successful peripheral blood stem cell mobilization with etoposide (VP-16) in patients with relapsed or resistant lymphoma who failed cyclophosphamide mobilization. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1999; 23(12):1223-8
  • Reiser M, Josting A, Dias Wickramanayake P, Draube A, Scheid C, Tesch H, Wolf J, Diehl V, Engert A. Dexa-BEAM is not effective in patients with relapsed or resistant aggressive high-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 1999; 33(3-4):305-12
  • Jox A, Taquia E, Vockerodt M, Draube A, Pawlita M, Moller P, Bullerdiek J, Diehl V, Wolf J. Stable nontumorigenic phenotype of somatic cell hybrids between malignant Burkitt's lymphoma cells and autologous EBV-immortalized B cells despite induction of chromosomal breakage and loss. Cancer Res. 1998; 58(21):4930-9
  • Wolf J, Draube A, Bohlen H, Jox A, Mucke S, Pawlita M, Moller P, Diehl V. Suppression of Burkitt's lymphoma tumorigenicity in nude mice by co-inoculation of EBV-immortalized lymphoblastoid cells. Int J Cancer. 1995; 60(4):527-33

2. Übersichtsarbeiten, weitere Zeitschriftenpublikationen

  • Draube A, von Bergwelt-Baildon M. Immortalized B cells: a neverending source of antigen-presenting cells for vaccines? Expert Rev Vaccines. 2008; 7(4):411-5
  • Draube A, Chemnitz JM, Wickenhauser C, Staib P, Hallek M, Kreuzer KA. Cytomorphologic signs of severe pernicious anemia obscured in a patient with heterozygous hemoglobin Stanleyville II. Eur J Haematol. 2007; 79(4):360-2
  • Draube A, Behringer K, Diehl V. German Hodgkin's Lymphoma Study Group trials: lessons from the past and current strategies. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma. 2006; 6(6):458-68
  • Chemnitz J, Draube A, Scheid C, Staib P, Schulz A, Diehl V, Sohngen D. Successful treatment of severe thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura with the monoclonal antibody rituximab. Am J Hematol. 2002 ; 71(2):105-8.
  • Chemnitz J, Draube A, Diehl V, Wolf J. Successful treatment of steroid and cyclophosphamide-resistant hemolysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with rituximab. Am J Hematol. 2002; 69(3):232-3
  • Chemnitz JM, Schulz A, Salameh A, Scheid C, Muller R, Draube A, Diehl V, Sohngen D. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (Moschkowitz-syndrome) caused by ticlopidine Med Klin. 2000; 95(2):96-100
  • Benedek D, Kiehl M, Draube A, Chemnitz J, Diehl V, Sohngen D. Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia with trisomy 21 mosaicism as a sole chromosomal abnormality. Leuk Lymphoma. 2000; 38(5-6):639-44
  • Draube A, Tesch H, Frickhofen N. Formvarianten monoklonaler Gammopathien. Der Onkologe. 1999; 5: 290-296

3. Buchbeiträge

  • Draube A, Wolf J. Internistische Tumortherapie. In Classen M, Diehl V, Kochsiek K, Berdel WE, Böhm M, Schmiegel W: Innere Medizin, 5. Auflage. Urban & Fischer, München, 2003
  • Draube A, Wolf J. Internistische Tumortherapie. In Berdel, WE, Böhm M, Classen M, Diehl V, Kochsiek W, Schmiegel W: Repetitorium Innere Medizin, 1. Auflage. Urban & Fischer, München, 2003

PD Dr. med. Andreas Draube

Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Hämatologie, Onkologie